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Hartville, Wyoming

Earlier this year in May we travelled to Colorado and Wyoming to explore the oldest taverns in those two states. The day before heading back home we travelled 202 miles due north from Denver to the metropolis of Hartville, Wyoming... population 62. Hartville is home to the Miners and Stockmen's Steakhouse and Spirits, Wyoming's oldest bar. Since the bar is only open 5:00 to 10:00 PM Thursday thru Sunday, we decided to call ahead to confirm they survived COVID before making the trek up to Hartville. We were pleased to hear they were open, and a bit surprised when asked if we wanted to make a reservation... keeping in mind this being a Thursday and it being in sleepy Hartville. We said that we'd just like to sit at the bar, as we always do, and the sweet lady on the phone said she would have a place saved for us.

We arrived at the bar and Hartville was what all the travel brochures said it would be ;-). Upon entering we met the sweet lady on the phone and she pointed us to our reserved place settings at the end of the bar. It was a fair crowd for six o'clock on a Thursday, but the place quickly filled up and we realized that having a reservation was the way to go. Folks came from miles around to savor the delicious steaks and well appointed bar. We had a great time meeting the friendly locals and the wonderful owner. The Miners and Stockmen's is very proud of the mantle "Wyoming's Oldest Bar", with it being emblazoned on its website, menus, glasses, and even the side of the building. Ahhhh, but there is an interesting twist. It's the oldest "bar" but not the oldest "tavern". But how can that be? See, the "bar", the thing facing you with all the beautiful fine woodwork, bottles, glasses, and mirrors is the oldest in Wyoming, dating back to 1862. However, the building the bar is in was built in 1909. In coming to grips with this bar double entendre, we were left to ponder the provenance of every bar we have entered and every bar we have sat. We spiraled in debate and confusion while savoring every bite of our Miner's Ribeye and Filet Mignon. Finally, just as the home made apple pie dessert arrived, we regained our senses and reverted to our bible, our North Star, the webpage that guides our travels across these 50 states ...

One more interesting morsel about this unique bar is that it has its own jail out back. Yeah, you read that right. Evidently, the cowboys who frequented the Miners and Stockmen's back in day would get a little rowdy, especially on pay day. When that would happen they'd be taken out back and be given a little time out in the hoosegow to sober up.

The Miners and Stockmen's is a great bar, with great food, great people, and a great story. If you happen to find yourself in a 50 mile radius of, or even a 200 mile radius of, Hartville, Wyoming, then I beg of you to please call ahead for a reservation and then saddle up and ride to Wyoming's Oldest Bar.

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