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Downtown Annapolis, MD

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Greetings readers! We stayed local this weekend and visited one of our favorite spots in downtown Annapolis, Rams Head Tavern. We typically don't stop there on a Saturday because they have the best Monday thru Friday Happy Hour around. The half price apps and discounted drinks 4-7 PM are unbeatable. On Saturday, our regular bartender, Alan, was going full speed ahead serving the bar patrons, and crafting drinks for the thirsty table diners. Meanwhile, Scott, our other regular bartender, would appear periodically from his post down in the Rathskeller to pitch in. By the by, if Alan is on duty ask him for a Holy Yolie, a drink he created for you know who. Naturally, jalapeños are the key ingredient, so it's not for the faint of heart.

After heading back out the door to West Street we flipped a coin to see which direction to go. It came up heads so right we went. Feeling a little sophisticated on this gorgeous summer night we decided to pass by our regular haunts and headed for Harry Browne's upstairs lounge on State Circle. You don't order a Natty Boh or Miller Lite at Harry Browne's, so we indulged in a round of classic Old Fashions and then Woodford Reserves on the rocks. While maintaining our usual position at the end of the bar, we engaged in pleasant conversation with a lovely young couple visiting from New Jersey, and were entertained by a large crew of friendly pub crawlers who brought their revelry to the place.

The evening had flown by and it was time to go home, so we headed back over to West Street. The street was closed off for outdoor dining and the street lights and dulcet tones of a street busker produced a wonderful romantic atmosphere. Like Ferris says, life moves pretty fast, so it was the perfect time to stop and look around...and dance a little cheek to cheek...under the the middle of West Street.

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2 comentarios

Tristan Kerr
Tristan Kerr
27 dic 2021

Hey guys I found you. You have to catch me up on where you went from Alexander’s when you were in Bmore. Did you make it to Cats Eye?

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Sandra Powell
Sandra Powell
12 ago 2021

Lovely and fun way to make new friends !! You guys are so sweet and a lot of fun!! Thank you for taking Norman and I under your tavern hoping wings ! ! Did love the Margarita !!:D

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