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Puerto Rico Island of Enchanment!

Updated: Dec 6, 2022

Hola, we headed to Yolie's old stomping grounds for a long weekend in Puerto Rico. Rather than focus this installment on old or dive taverns, we're going to share our top ten tips for Puerto Rico. Here goes!

10. Get out and about and away from San Juan cause there is so so much to do!

9. Head on over to Old San Juan. Stroll down the colorful streets and breathe in the history and charm. Must sees include: Castillo San Felipe Del Morro fort, Castillo de San Cristobal fort, streets of the cobblestone cats, Parque de las Paloma's, walks along the harbor, Fuentes Raices, are just a few among the many things you must experience.

8. When you get hungry or thirsty steer clear of the pricey restaurants. Instead, head for one of the many local watering holes. One that we highly recommend is El Saoco PR Bar & Chinchorro. Tending bar there is Lord Z. In between pouring shots and serving up great food, he'll happily regale you with entertaining tales.

7. Drink like a local. When you have your Cuba Libre, make sure you ask for Don Q rum. Although, San Juan is the home of Bacardi, the biggest selling rum in the world, the locals think of Bacardi as Cuban and they much prefer their more traditional Puerto Rican rum, Don Q.

6. Drink like a local some more. Have a Chichaito shot. That's a mix of anisette liqueur and rum...Don Q, of course! Or order up a 45, that's a mix of 43 liqueur and Felipe II brandy. Or maybe have a Gasolina. The tasty alcoholic drinks that are a party in a pouch. Take a few boxes of these back to the states as you're going through the airport duty free, but please don't put them in your kid's lunch box.

5. Explore the western part of the island. Puerto Rico is only 100 miles long and 35 miles wide but it packs a fantastic diversity of sights, scenery, and culture. In the western part you'll find great food and inexpensive drinks at chinchorros (translation: hole in the wall, side of the road dives). Whenever we go to the island we always head out to San German, where Yolie spent much of her youth. There you'll find the family run La Chucha Del Flaco. Jonathan tends bar, his mom, Marisol, cooks up the delicious local cuisine, and brother, Joshua, makes deliveries, tends bar, and is jack-of-all trades. We've been stopping in La Chucha Del Flaco every time we're on the island since we first found it on their opening day back in 2015.

4. Don't leave out the southern part, either. In the south you'll find James' favorite town, Ponce. The main square with the historic firehouse, casino, fountain, and the best pinchos (think barbeque chicken chunks on a stick) on the island. Locals like to say there is Ponce and everything else is just a parking lot. It's a great place to spend the day...and the night. That's the great thing about Puerto Rico, you can stay in San Juan but you can visit anywhere on the island and be back in your hotel bed the same day for a good night's sleep.

3. Food, food, food! When on the island Yolie can't go a day without having her pulpo (octopus). She also loves to have the staple she grew up on arroz y habichuelas (rice and beans), and there are so many other tasty local foods. Empanadas, tostones, bacaladitos, surrullitos, rellenos de papa, alcapurias, and many more can be found in restaurants and chinchorros, alike. We recommend eating like the locals, from a food truck or a chinchorro, where the ingredients are fresh and the bill is small.

2. There are just so many other plusses to visiting Puerto Rico. Here are just a few: although just 550 miles from Caracas, Venezuela, there's no passport needed; cheap non-stop airfare from BWI; although Spanish is the main language your English will be just fine; beaches, beaches, beaches and a rain forest, too; warm weather year round; a long rich history; great music; so many cool places to explore; and the people are just plain awesome!

1. And of course, the number 1 tip...we beg of must visit Puerto Rico, the Island of Enchantment!

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